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Aries Integrative Nutrition LLC is my nutrition consulting and education business, based in Boulder County, Colorado. The philosophy of Aries is to provide holistic nutrition information and ‘equipment’ to individuals, small groups and large groups (both in public and in private work settings) so that they can help heal the whole self and both prevent and reverse chronic disease.

My particular brand of nutrition care is not Western/allopathic medicine, naturopathic medicine or dietetics of the USDA variety, nor is it a replacement for medical supervision or care. It is a method of taking your health into your own hands through everyday food, meal preparation, stress reduction, sleep improvement, lifestyle betterment, self-awareness, basic movement and overall increased enjoyment of the one life you have to live. I do not diagnose or treat disease or particular conditions. I aim to help the whole self, mostly through what you eat.

The easiest connection to make in the medical world with the type of nutrition I do is to look up “functional medicine,” where doctors are trained not to look at isolated symptoms and complaints in their patients, but to look at entire systems and causes and to treat people rather than disease. The overall goal of a doctor practicing functional medicine is the wellness of a person, no only the squelching of a disease.

If you are interested in my nutrition background, check out Bauman College, founded by Ed Bauman. This school is based in Pengrove, California and spread to Boulder in 2007 where it has caught on like wildfire in a town that values its vitality, the outdoors and self-improvement. Feel free to peruse the Bauman forum (open to the public), the wellness resources and the recipes from our natural chefs and graduates. It’s a wealth of information.

What I offer:

Face to Face Nutrition Consultation: intake plus follow-ups (in person, remotely and on the phone). Perfect for anyone wanting to explore wellness/illness, understand their conditions, add extra insight to their healthcare, increase energy, lose belly fat, excel as an athlete, or just find out what foods and supplements work best for you. This requires an in-depth health history and three day food journal.

AriesClean Elimination Experiment: a cleanse class designed to teach cleansing, identify major food allergies/ sensitivities/intolerances, reduce inflammation and introduce a new way of relating to food. Ideal for groups in the healing field trying to get to the bottom of health issues or individuals wanting to go a step deeper with food.

Grocery Store Tour: This gets back to the basics for those people who have fallen off the cart of real, nutritious, whole-foods eating. We meet at the market to become reacquainted with the types of foods that are helpful to the body and mind, and talk about what to do with them. 

Long-Term Weight Consultation: This is exactly what it sounds like– a commitment to a long journey of finding a better weight. This is not about dieting or pill-popping, but entails a gradual lifestyle shift towards better health choices. We focus on blood sugar balance, when/how much/what to eat, underlying stumbling blocks to better health and weight, metabolism, and exacerbating physiological problems. We’ll often work on better digestion, exercise, and stress reduction too– things we can all use. 

Please contact me for more information, terms, and pricing:




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